
A continuing agency agreement is a contract between a business or entity and an agent that outlines the terms and conditions of their ongoing relationship. This type of agreement can cover a wide range of services, from marketing and advertising to legal representation and accounting.

As a business owner or individual looking to hire an agent, there are several important factors to consider when negotiating a continuing agency agreement. These include:

Scope of Services

One of the most critical aspects of any continuing agency agreement is the scope of services that the agent will provide. This should be clearly defined in the contract to avoid misunderstandings or disputes down the line. The agreement should also include details on the timeline for executing these services, any deadlines that must be met, and how often the agent will report to the client.


It is essential to outline the compensation structure for the agent in the continuing agency agreement. This includes any fees, commissions, or other costs associated with the services provided. The agreement should also include details on payment schedules and any penalties for late or non-payment.


While a continuing agency agreement is designed to be ongoing, it is essential to include terms for termination in the contract. This protects both parties should the relationship sour or the agent`s services no longer be needed. The agreement should outline the notice period required for termination, the reasons for termination, and any potential penalties or fees associated with early termination.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

It is vital to include confidentiality and non-disclosure clauses in any continuing agency agreement. These clauses protect the client`s sensitive information and trade secrets from being shared or disclosed by the agent. This includes any intellectual property or proprietary information that the client may hold.


Indemnification clauses provide protection for both parties in the event of any legal action or disputes that may arise from the continuing agency relationship. This clause should outline the responsibilities of each party in any legal proceedings and how any damages or costs will be covered.

In conclusion, a continuing agency agreement is a vital tool for businesses and individuals looking to hire an agent for ongoing services. By clearly outlining the scope of services, compensation, termination, confidentiality, and indemnification, both parties can enter into the agreement with confidence and mutual understanding. With a solid continuing agency agreement in place, businesses can focus on achieving their goals and objectives while their agents work to deliver results.